Meet Geri

Geri Crooks My Joy CoachMeet Geri

Geraldine Brisbane Crooks, M.Ed
Certified Life Coach, Educator, Business Owner, Joyologist

As a transformational life coach my goal is to help you to “Chart a journey to JOY by using proven technique to overcome overwhelm, stress, fear, self doubt and negative thinking while recharging your mind, body and spirit.”

In her role as a Life Coach, Geri offers one-to one-sessions to help professionals to clearly define their purpose-mission statements. She also offers small-group seminars which inspires you to experience more joy and peace on a daily basis. Geri also leads Joy Journeys, a travel group that enables like minded people to recharge their energy levels while enjoying national and international destinations.

ON A PERSONAL NOTE  – Geri is pioneering a global movement of embracing and sharing J.O.Y. She enjoys traveling with her best friend and husband, spending time with  family and organizing J.O.Y. Journeys to South Africa for safaris and Cape Town tours.  Geri has a true love for Meditating, Educating and Coaching others .  Joy is the source of healing, peace, and inspiration for her; an experience she passionately shares with others.



Target audience: Open minded professionals interested in investing in their well-being and success. Those seeking peace of mind using effective, proven techniques to increase energy levels, productivity, relationships and joy.


“I’m pioneering a movement to “BE” and share J.O.Y. around the globe.” – Join me?
– Geri Crooks


Geri is founding director of Brisbane Academy and Brisbane Tutoring Center, Inc.

Brisbane Academy Preparatory School for Grades PK through high school was established in 1992 to provide a bully free environment where student could be taught by passionate instructor in a small class setting using the student’s unique style of learning.

Brisbane Tutoring Center, Inc. started in 1986 to provide one to one tutoring to effectively help students and adults to experience success in their learning endeavors.


J.O.Y. Coaching  •  Geri Crooks  •  704-622-6469  •